Healthy Easter Eggs

Healthy Easter Eggs

Anyone that knows me, will know my deep love for anything chocolate. I can proudly say that I enjoy chocolate every day, whether it’s 2 squares of 95% dark choc after dinner (I love the bitter notes), a hot choc with collagen in the afternoon, or adding cacao to some Greek yogurt with berries. I believe that food is to be celebrated, especially when cacao is involved.

So, with this being said here is my Healthy Easter Egg recipe. Yes, this recipe is one that even your ‘non-health-conscious’ friends will be coming back for more. Yes, you can thank me later!


1/2 cup organic cacao butter buttons, melted
1/2 cup organic cacao powder
2 tbsp pure maple syrup
Pinch of sea salt
1 bunch of cotton candy grapes (or grapes of choice)


1. In a large mixing bowl combine melted cacao butter, cacao powder, maple syrup, vanilla, and sea salt in a bowl. Mix together with a whisk until the mixture becomes smooth.
2. Using a fork, gently dip the grapes one by one into the chocolate mixture. Once coated place them on a lined baking tray to set.
3. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week or freezer for a month.

I’d love to hear how these turn out for you. Comment below!